set auto_path [concat . $auto_path] ######################################################################### # # Implementation of ITcl based on the Minimal Object System + XOTcl methods # ######################################################################### # # This script consists of three major parts: # # 1. Setup of XOTcl to be used as Tcl Minimal Object System (TMOS) # 2. The definition of a subset of itcl based on TMOS. # 3. Sample itcl program # ###################################################################### # # 1. Configuration of XOTcl to act as the Tcl Minimal Object System # ###################################################################### # For the time being, we use the XOTcl implementation for implementing # TMOS. The used part of the XOTcl implementation should # be part of tcl-core. # # puts "***** time for loading XOTcl [time {set version [package require XOTcl]}]" puts "XOTcl version $version" namespace eval ::xotcl { namespace export alias setrelation namespace eval cmd::Class {namespace export alloc dealloc instproc instforward info} namespace eval cmd::Object {namespace export instvar forward info} } namespace eval ::oo { namespace import ::xotcl::alias ::xotcl::setrelation namespace import ::xotcl::my ::xotcl::self ::xotcl::next namespace eval ::oo::methodset::class {namespace import ::xotcl::cmd::Class::*} namespace eval ::oo::methodset::object {namespace import ::xotcl::cmd::Object::*} namespace export my self next } # The remainder of this script is free of xotcl::*. ###################################################################### # # Basic setup of the Tcl minimal object system (TMOS) # ###################################################################### # Now we have the following commands and methods defined in the ::oo namespace: # # Two classes # ::oo::class # ::oo::object # # Two unexported commands for OO-language designer # ::oo::alias # ::oo::setrelation # # Three exported commands to be used by in the languages # ::oo::my # ::oo::self # ::oo::next # # An unregistered (unattached) set of methods that can be used for classes # alloc, instproc, instforward, info # # An unregistered (unattached) set of methods that can be used to objects # instvar forward info # The only method provided by ::oo::class is the the method "alloc" # used to create objects or classes. This method is available in the # methodset of oo. We will attach it to ::oo::class using the command # alias: # # The alias command # # ::oo::alias class|obj methodName ?-objscope? ?-per-object? cmdName # # registers a command ("cmdName") under a certain name ("methodName") # to an object or class (1st argument) to make the command available # as a method. The options "-objscope" makes instance variables of the # object/class appear as local variables, therefore Tcl commands to which # variable names are passed (e.g. set, append, lappend, ...) will access # instance variables. ::oo::alias ::oo::class alloc ::oo::methodset::class::alloc ::oo::alias ::oo::class dealloc ::oo::methodset::class::dealloc # # Ok. now our basic setup of the Tcl minimal object system is done. ###################################################################### # # 2. ITcl based on TMOS # ###################################################################### namespace eval itcl { # In a first step, we create two basic classes of ITcl, # namely "object" and "class" in the current namespace: oo::class alloc object oo::class alloc class ::oo::setrelation class superclass {::oo::class object} ::oo::setrelation object class class ::oo::setrelation class class class ::oo::alias class __method ::xotcl::cmd::Class::classscopedinstproc ::oo::alias class __info ::oo::methodset::class::info ::oo::alias object __instvar ::oo::methodset::object::instvar ::oo::alias object __info ::oo::methodset::object::info ::oo::alias object __forward ::oo::methodset::object::forward ;# for append/lappend on stateobj ::oo::alias object __proc ::xotcl::cmd::Object::proc ;# for defining class.proc ::xotcl::setinstvar class __default_superclass ::itcl::object # # The method "create" defines, what happens, when a class or object # is created. The object|class is firstly allocated, then the constructor is called. # class __proc create {name args} { set obj [uplevel 2 [::itcl::self] alloc $name] #puts "creating class $name -> $obj" eval $obj init $args return "" ;# for unknown reasons, a class create returns "" in ITcl } class __method create {name args} { if {[::info command [uplevel 2 namespace current]::$name] ne ""} { error "command \"$name\" already exists in namespace \"[uplevel 2 namespace current]\"" } #puts "creating object $name" set obj [uplevel 2 [::itcl::self] alloc $name] #puts obj=$obj-methods=[$obj __info methods],[my __info instbody init] eval $obj constructor $args return [string trimleft $obj :] ;# for unknown reasons, craated objects are not fq in ITcl } # provide primitive commands; we use these from oo namespace import ::oo::my ::oo::self ::oo::next class __method instvars {} { set vars [list this] set stateobj [::itcl::self]::__ foreach v [$stateobj set privinstvars] {lappend vars [lindex $v 0]} for {set c [::itcl::self]} {$c ne "::itcl::object"} {set c [$c __info superclass]} { foreach v [${c}::__ set instvars] {lappend vars [lindex $v 0]} } set cmd "\n\t::itcl::my __instvar [lsort -unique $vars]" set cvars [list] foreach v [$stateobj set privclassvars] {lappend cvars [lindex $v 0]} if {$cvars ne ""} { append cmd "\n\t[::itcl::self] __instvar [lsort -unique $cvars]" } for {set c [::itcl::self]} {$c ne "::itcl::object"} {set c [$c __info superclass]} { set cvars [list] foreach v [${c}::__ set classvars] {lappend cvars [lindex $v 0]} if {[llength $cvars]>0} {append cmd "\n\t$c __instvar [lsort -unique $cvars]"} } return $cmd } namespace eval ::itcl::classdefs { proc constructor {args} {[::itcl::self]::__ set constructor $args} proc destructor {body} {::itcl::mk_member method destroy {} "$body\n::itcl::next"} proc method {name args} {eval ::itcl::mk_member method $name $args} proc inherit {class} {::oo::setrelation [::itcl::self] superclass $class} proc variable {name args} {eval ::itcl::mk_member variable $name $args} proc common {name args} {eval ::itcl::mk_member common $name $args} proc public args {if {[llength $args]==1} {eval [lindex $args 0]} {eval $args}} proc protected args {if {[llength $args]==1} {eval [lindex $args 0]} {eval $args}} proc private args {if {[llength $args]==1} {eval [lindex $args 0]} {eval $args}} proc set {name args} {namespace eval [::itcl::self] [list ::set $name $args]} proc proc {name args} {eval ::itcl::mk_member proc $name $args} } proc mk_member {kind name args} { # get the protection from the stack: a member is protected, if "protected" in on the stack set u [lindex [::info level -2] 0] set protection [expr {$u ne "protected" && $u ne "private" ? "public" : $u}] #puts "p=$protection k=$kind n=$name u='[lindex [::info level -2] 0]'" set stateobj [::itcl::self]::__ switch $kind { variable { set varname [expr {$protection eq "private" ? "privinstvars" : "instvars"}] $stateobj lappend $varname [list $name [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] $protection] if {[llength $args] > 0} { $stateobj append initcommands [list set $name [lindex $args 0]]\n } } common { set varname [expr {$protection eq "private" ? "privclassvars" : "classvars"}] $stateobj lappend $varname [list $name [lindex $args 0] $protection] if {[llength $args] > 0} {::xotcl::setinstvar [::itcl::self] $name [lindex $args 0]} } method { $stateobj lappend methods $name [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] $protection } proc { $stateobj lappend procs $name [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] $protection } } } proc called_from_outside {callingclass currentclass proc} { # returns true, when not called from within a subtree of callingclass # returns as well true, when callingclass an has overloaded protected (last clause) expr {$callingclass ne $currentclass && ( $callingclass eq "::" || ![::xotcl::istype $callingclass ::itcl::class] || ([lsearch -exact [$callingclass __info heritage] $currentclass] == -1 && [::info command ${callingclass}::$proc] eq ""))} } class __method init {classdef} { # keep the variables of the configuration of a class in an object to avoid # naming conflicts with "common" variables in itcl set stateobj [::itcl::self]::__ ::itcl::object alloc $stateobj ::oo::alias $stateobj set ::xotcl::cmd::Object::set $stateobj __forward lappend -objscope ::lappend $stateobj __forward append -objscope ::append $stateobj set constructor [list "" ::itcl::next] $stateobj set procs [list] $stateobj set methods [list] $stateobj set instvars [list] $stateobj set privinstvars [list] $stateobj set classvars [list] $stateobj set privclassvars [list] $stateobj set initcommands "set this \[::itcl::self\]\n" $stateobj set auto -1 # interprete the defininition of the class namespace eval ::itcl::classdefs $classdef # now, the definition is placed into a few variables. process the definition now $stateobj __instvar constructor procs methods initcommands # add the constructor to the method definitions lappend methods constructor [lindex $constructor 0] \ "$initcommands [lindex $constructor 1][lindex $constructor 2]" public # process the methods foreach {methodName arglist body protection} $methods { switch $protection { public {set protectionCmds ""} protected {set protectionCmds { set callingclass [uplevel namespace current] set currentclass [namespace current] #puts "protected [::itcl::self proc] callingclass=$callingclass, current=$currentclass" set outside [::itcl::called_from_outside $callingclass $currentclass [::itcl::self proc]] if {$outside} { #puts stderr "M=[::itcl::get_my_methods $currentclass]" set options [string trim [::itcl::get_my_methods $currentclass $callingclass] \n] error "bad option \"[::itcl::self proc]\": should be one of...\n$options" } }} private {set protectionCmds { set callingclass [uplevel namespace current] set currentclass [namespace current] #puts "private [::itcl::self proc] callingclass=$callingclass, current=$currentclass" if {$callingclass ne $currentclass} { set options [string trim [::itcl::get_my_methods $currentclass $callingclass] \n] error "bad option \"[::itcl::self proc]\": should be one of...\n$options" } }} default {error "unknown protection '$protection'"} } set initvarCmds [expr {[::itcl::self] eq "::itcl::object" ? "" : "[::itcl::my instvars]\n"}] #puts "defining $methodName $arglist\n\t$protectionCmds\n$initvarCmds\n $body" ::itcl::my __method $methodName $arglist "$protectionCmds\n$initvarCmds\n $body" } # define reflector methods for calling inherited methods without objectname/::itcl::my for {set c [::itcl::self]} {$c ne "::oo::object"} {set c [$c __info superclass]} { foreach {methodName _ _ protection} [${c}::__ set methods] { if {$protection eq "private" && $c ne [::itcl::self]} continue if {[::info command [::itcl::self]::$methodName] eq ""} { #puts "+++ c = $c, creating reflector for [::itcl::self] $methodName // $protection" namespace eval ::xotcl::classes::$c [list namespace export $methodName] namespace eval [::itcl::self] [list namespace import ::xotcl::classes::${c}::$methodName] } } } # process the procs foreach {methodName arglist body protection} $procs { switch $protection { public {set protectionCmds ""} protected {set protectionCmds { set uns [uplevel namespace current] #puts "protected proc [namespace current] uns=$uns" if {[namespace current] ne $uns} { if {$uns eq "::" || [lsearch -exact [$uns __info heritage] [namespace current]] == -1} { error "can't access \"::[::info level 0]\": protected function" }}} } private {set protectionCmds {;# for now, like protected #puts "private proc [namespace current] uns=[uplevel namespace current]" if {[namespace current] ne [uplevel namespace current]} { error "can't access \"::[::info level 0]\": private function" }} } } set cmds "" set vars [concat [$stateobj set classvars] [$stateobj set privclassvars] ] foreach v $vars {append cmds "::variable [lindex $v 0]\n"} #puts "::proc [::itcl::self]::$methodName $arglist {$cmds\n$protectionCmds\n$body}" ::proc [::itcl::self]::$methodName $arglist "$cmds\n$protectionCmds\n$body" } # define reflectors for the procs of the parent classes for {set c [[::itcl::self] __info superclass]} {$c ne "::oo::object"} {set c [$c __info superclass]} { foreach {methodName _ _ protection} [${c}::__ set procs] { if {$protection eq "private" && $c ne [::itcl::self]} continue if {[::info command [::itcl::self]::$methodName] ne ""} continue #puts "+++ c = $c, creating reflector for proc [::itcl::self] $methodName // $protection" namespace eval $c [list namespace export $methodName] namespace eval [::itcl::self] [list namespace import ${c}::$methodName] } } } class __method unknown {m args} { #puts "[::itcl::self]: unknown method '$m' args='$args' called" if {[string match *#auto* $m]} { set className [string tolower [namespace tail [::itcl::self]]] [::itcl::self]::__ __instvar auto while {1} { set new [string map [list #auto ${className}[incr auto]] $m] if {[::info command $new] eq ""} break } set m $new } eval [::itcl::self] create $m $args } object __method __self {} {::itcl::self} object init { method configure args { switch [llength $args] { 0 { # list parameters with default values and current values return [lsort [::itcl::get_my_configure_values]] } 1 { # list parameters with default values and current values return [lindex [::itcl::get_my_configure_values [string range [lindex $args 0] 1 end]] 0] } default { foreach {att value} $args { ::xotcl::setinstvar [::itcl::self] [string range $att 1 end] $value} } } } method isa className { ::xotcl::istype [::itcl::self] $className } method cget att { ::xotcl::setinstvar [::itcl::self] [string range $att 1 end] } method info args { #puts stderr "INFO $args [llength $args] [::info level]" if {[llength $args] == 0} { error {wrong # args: should be one of... info args procname info body procname info class info function ?name? ?-protection? ?-type? ?-name? ?-args? ?-body? info heritage info inherit info variable ?name? ?-protection? ?-type? ?-name? ?-init? ?-value? ?-config? ...and others described on the man page} } if {[catch {set callingclass [::itcl::my __info class]}]} { set callingclass [uplevel namespace current] } switch -exact -- [lindex $args 0] { variable { ::itcl::get_my_variables $callingclass [lindex $args 1] } } } method move {new} { if {$new eq ""} {::itcl::my destroy} else {error "can't move [::itcl::self] to $new"} } constructor args {} destructor { #puts "destroying: [::itcl::my __info class] dealloc [::itcl::self]" if {[::xotcl::istype [::itcl::self] ::itcl::class]} { foreach i [::itcl::my __info instances] {$i destroy} } [::itcl::my __info class] dealloc [::itcl::self] } } # finally, define ::itcl::* procs with some helpers # proc delete {what args} {foreach obj $args {$obj destroy}; return ""} proc find {what args} { set pattern [lindex $args end] set class ::itcl::object if {[llength $args] == 3} { if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-class"} {set class [lindex $args 1]} } set filter [expr {[string match "class*" $what] ? "::itcl::class" : "::itcl::object"}] set result [list] foreach c [::info command $pattern] { if {[::xotcl::istype $c $filter] && [::xotcl::istype $c $class]} { lappend result [string trimleft $c ::] } } return $result } proc is {what name} {::xotcl::istype $name ::itcl::$what} proc code {args} { switch [llength $args] { 1 {[lindex $args end] __self} 2 {if {[lindex $args 0] == "--"} {[lindex $args end] __self}} } } array set signature { ::itcl::object::cget -option ::itcl::object::configure "?-option? ?value -option value...?" } proc get_my_methods {currentclass callingclass} { set result "" for {set c $currentclass} {$c ne "::oo::object"} {set c [$c __info superclass]} { foreach {methodName _ _ protection} [${c}::__ set methods] { if {$protection eq "private"} { if {$c ne $currentclass && [::info command ${currentclass}::$methodName] ne ""} continue if {$c ne $callingclass} continue } if {$protection eq "protected" && [called_from_outside $callingclass $c $methodName]} continue switch -exact -- $methodName { info - move - destroy - constructor continue } #puts "... add $methodName" if {[::info exists ::itcl::signature(${c}::$methodName)]} { set args $::itcl::signature(${c}::$methodName) } else { set args [$c __info instargs $methodName] if {$args eq "args"} {set args "?arg arg ...?"} } append result " [string trimleft [::itcl::self] :] $methodName[string trimright \ $args]\n" } } return [join [lsort -unique [split $result \n]] \n] } proc get_my_configure_values {{param *}} { set result [list] for {set c [::itcl::my __info class]} {$c ne "::itcl::object"} {set c [$c __info superclass]} { foreach v [${c}::__ set instvars] { set p [lindex $v 0] if {$param ne "*" && $param ne $p} continue if {[lindex $v end] ne "public"} continue lappend result [list -$p [lindex $v 1] [::xotcl::setinstvar [::itcl::self] $p]] } } return [lsort $result] } array set vartypes {classvars common privclassvars common instvars variable privinstvars variable} proc get_my_variables {callingclass {varname ""}} { #puts "get_my_variables: callingclass = $callingclass, varname=$varname" if {$varname eq ""} { # get all variables set result [list ${callingclass}::this] for {set c $callingclass} {$c ne "::itcl::object"} {set c [$c __info superclass]} { foreach kind {instvars privinstvars classvars privclassvars} { foreach v [${c}::__ set $kind] { lappend result ${c}::[lindex $v 0] } } } } else { for {set c $callingclass} {$c ne "::itcl::object"} {set c [$c __info superclass]} { foreach kind {instvars privinstvars classvars privclassvars} { foreach v [${c}::__ set $kind] { set p [lindex $v 0] if {$p eq $varname} { #puts "found $p in $kind // $v" set info [list [lindex $v end] $::itcl::vartypes($kind) ${c}::$p [lindex $v 1]] switch $kind { classvars {lappend info [::xotcl::setinstvar $c $p]} privclassvars {lappend info [::xotcl::setinstvar $c $p]} instvars - privinstvars { if {[catch {set obj [::itcl::self]}]} { error "cannot access object-specific info without an object context" } if {[lindex $v end] eq "public"} {lappend info [lindex $v 2]} lappend info [::xotcl::setinstvar $obj $p] } } return $info } } } } } return $result } # finally, export a few commands namespace export class }