2007/08/01 gustafn * Release of xotcl-core 0.56 2007/07/30 gustafn * tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl: improved csv support 2007/07/29 gustafn * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: * xotcl-core.info: bump version number, minor updates * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: convert database timestamps into a format which can be parsed via Tcl's clock scan 2007/07/24 gustafn * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: * tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl: * tcl/bgdelivery-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: allow rich-text content in table widget, align interface of instantiate_all with instance_select_query 2007/07/22 gustafn * catalog/xotcl-core.de_DE.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xotcl-core.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: * xotcl-core.info: support in CrItem for column constraints, bump version number 2007/07/16 gustafn * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: further reduce verbosity in the error log 2007/07/14 gustafn * tcl/40-thread-mod-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: reduce verbosity * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/bgdelivery-procs.tcl: * xotcl-core.info: upgrade to 0.53, improved SQL layer 2007/07/13 gustafn * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: reduce verbosity * tcl/40-thread-mod-procs.tcl: support for lightweight threads 2007/07/12 gustafn * catalog/xotcl-core.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: fix quote in error message * tcl/policy-procs.tcl: handle undefined permissions 2007/07/05 gustafn * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: fix interface for delete method for specified classes 2007/07/04 gustafn * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: provide compatibility for xotcl-1.4.0 2007/07/03 gustafn * catalog/xotcl-core.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/policy-procs.tcl: internationalizing insufficient permissions error message 2007/07/01 gustafn * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: fix typo include_sub_types -> include_subtypes 2007/06/29 gustafn * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: remove double occurrence of attribute in common_query_atts * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: set needed content types in require_folder, not on every save_new 2007/06/28 gustafn * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: adding "validator" to slot attributes 2007/06/26 gustafn * tcl/context-procs.tcl: Create a separate context for included pages to avoid loop, when revisions are rendered. Revisions are specified via query_parameter revision_id, which has higher precedence than then name. When the resolver tries to resolve the name of a page to be included, it took the revision_id if the including page. This led to a recursive rendering. * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: make code less verbose 2007/06/25 gustafn * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: fix two cases, where ImageField had to be replaced with ImageAnchorField (in revisions code), more slot support * tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl: remove unneeded href from TABLE::ImageField * catalog/xotcl-core.de_DE.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xotcl-core.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xotcl-core.es_ES.ISO-8859-1.xml: * xotcl-core.info: updated version number to 0.52 2007/06/22 gustafn * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: * tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: primitive support for slots for xotcl versions older than 1.5, distinguish between table fields of type ImageField and ImageAnchorField (the latter one is with href, applications using images in tables requiring href must update the names) 2007/06/19 gustafn * tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl: * tcl/context-procs.tcl: * tcl/policy-procs.tcl: provide context objects to get privilege and privilege guards (conditions) to enable make_link to make checks on query parameter without the need to access ::xo::cc 2007/06/18 gustafn * tcl/chat-procs.tcl: guard background delivery stronger than before to fix problem documented in http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=1035429 2007/06/17 gustafn * tcl/context-procs.tcl: fix for multivalued form entries 2007/06/12 gustafn * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: correct nesting order for limit clause 2007/06/11 gustafn * catalog/xotcl-core.es_ES.ISO-8859-1.xml: complete Spanish catalog files (many thanks to David Arroyo) * tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl: improve localization support * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: make low level SQL stuff more robust for reloading 2007/06/08 gustafn * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: first sketch of a better approach to detect objects that should be automatically reclaimed on cleanup * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: move access function for stored procedures into ::xo::db::sql to make space for loading classes from acs-types into ::xo::db * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: polish cleanup for aolserver 4.0.10 2007/06/07 pablom * tcl/chat-procs.tcl: "New version with new functionalities" 2007/06/07 gustafn * tcl/chat-procs.tcl: make chat work again for existing procs 2007/06/04 gustafn * tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl: providing support for bulk actions * tcl/context-procs.tcl: supporting multi-valued attributes 2007/05/31 gustafn * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: changed connection thread cleanup to use namespaced variables and distinguish between at_close and at_cleanup * tcl/20-Ordered-Composite-procs.tcl: * tcl/40-thread-mod-procs.tcl: cleanup (triggered by unknown handler) 2007/05/30 gustafn * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: take back a few changes for cleanup code in aolserver 4.0.10 2007/05/25 gustafn * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/context-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: cleanup continues * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: fix typo and date comparison 2007/05/24 gustafn * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: more cleanup, fixing cleanup for aolserver 4.0.* 2007/05/23 gustafn * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: some more cleanup 2007/05/22 gustafn * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: fixing two typos * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: improved cleanup at end of request 2007/05/19 gustafn * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: further use of SQL mapping layer 2007/05/18 gustafn * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: less tracing * tcl/20-Ordered-Composite-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: provide mixin for ordering by methods (not only by attributes) ::xo::OrderedComposite::MethodCompare; some more cleanup 2007/05/16 gustafn * tcl/policy-procs.tcl: fixing a typo 2007/05/15 gustafn * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: making interfaces and naming more consistent 2007/05/14 gustafn * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: generalizing more parts of the SQL layer, more cleanup * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: more cleanup, removing obsolete definitions 2007/05/11 gustafn * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: new method for CrItems: update_content * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: simplified passing of SQL command 2007/05/09 gustafn * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: create cr attributes on the fly (makes extending of existing types much easier) * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: fix typo, provide default title * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: fixing typo * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: make low level access functions more robust 2007/05/08 gustafn * tcl/context-procs.tcl: fix for bug #3094, problem with expressions returning "nan" 2007/05/02 gustafn * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/context-procs.tcl: * xotcl-core.info: added "require package" to influence loading order without mess with bootstrap installer 2007/04/23 victorg * catalog/xotcl-core.de_DE.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xotcl-core.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: Importing catalog files from traslate.openacs.org for OpenACS Core Packages (5.3.1) and .LRN Packages (2.3.0). 2007/04/17 gustafn * tcl/context-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: create conditional locking rules 2007/04/16 gustafn * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: more default value handling, fixing typo * tcl/03-doc-procs.tcl: * tcl/05-doc-procs.tcl: renamed doc procs to be able to use ad_proc in 05-db-procs * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: * xotcl-core.info: upgrade to version 0.50, fix for freshly introduced bug in ::xo::db::has_ltree, version 2 of the oo interface to stored procedures based on non positional arguments 2007/04/11 gustafn * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: * tcl/policy-procs.tcl: some further support for oracle, make xotcl-core run more silently 2007/04/10 gustafn * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: * xotcl-core.info: lower level support for the OO abstraction for stored procedures. reduced per/call overhead relative to Plain OpenACS significantly. The generic call interface is now even faster than calling stored procedures via "db_0or1row". 2007/04/07 gustafn * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: ensure argument order in Oracle as well * tcl/context-procs.tcl: fixing error in regression test, where parameters are passed incorrectly * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: provide database names (-dbn ...) as optional argument for interface methods to stored procedures * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: set context and page title, when a form is redirected to itself on a submit 2007/04/06 gustafn * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: ensure that new function are exported by serializer * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: ensuring order of arguments * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/context-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: fixes for new database interface * tcl/05-db-procs.tcl: * tcl/context-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: provide OO abstraction for stored procedures (db_packages) * tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl: provide ability to log to use messages (every object can do a [my msg ....]) 2007/04/03 gustafn * tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl: provide minimal zen support: use the new style CSS classes for lists in new versions, use the different portlet classes 2007/04/02 gustafn * tcl/40-thread-mod-procs.tcl: when threads are started during boot-up, these threads do not contain any library functions (not even ::db_*). This change provides support to correct this for threads created vi ::xotcl::THREAD. 2007/03/30 gustafn * tcl/40-thread-mod-procs.tcl: * tcl/generic-procs.tcl: * tcl/http-client-procs.tcl: * tcl/policy-procs.tcl: more robust thread initialization for aolserver 4.5: for some reason, threads created during initialization are not xotcl-aware; furthermore: passing method to privilege definition, fixes for URL handling in HTTP client 137 changes by 3 authors in 17 files gustafn 134 files pablom 1 files victorg 2 files