2007/08/01 gustafn * Release of xowiki 0.60 * allow old-style folder specs for xowiki pages. hope, this won't be necessary in the future. * reduce log verbosity 2007/07/30 gustafn * catalog/xowiki.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/prototypes/news-item.page: - new method import_prototype_page, callable via xowiki/?import_prototype_page=news-item - form-usages has additional parameter "all" to list form entries in all production states - provide a listing of existing form page entries on error message - additional prototype page for news-item * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: add CSV output to form-usages table * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: fix entry table of forms in cases, field of the table were added after some entries were created 2007/07/29 maltes * tcl/weblog-procs.tcl: Added parameter to define the length of the summary 2007/07/29 gustafn * catalog/xowiki.de_DE.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xowiki.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xowiki.es_ES.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: * xowiki.info: bump version number, shorten xowiki description to be under 4000 chars, update xotcl-core version dependency * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/syndicate-procs.tcl: * tcl/weblog-procs.tcl: convert database timestamps into a format which can be parsed via Tcl's clock scan * tcl/syndicate-procs.tcl: fix relative time query in RSS * www/admin/test.tcl: fix version number in test * www/admin/index.tcl: make index listing more robust against unknown types * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: make update statement work with less SQL compliant databases * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: make update_views simpler and more generic * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: use more portable column rename operations * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: use more portable SQL cast operation 2007/07/28 gustafn * www/prototypes/news.page: adding news.page, very similar to announcements.page * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * www/prototypes/announcements.page: updating announcements.page, return empty when no detail link is given * tcl/link-procs.tcl: * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/syndicate-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: use aolserver content types for uploading as well 2007/07/27 gustafn * tcl/link-procs.tcl: support for embed link (embed is not in the HTML standard, but works quite well compared to alternatives and does not harm for other usages). embed is used, if one of the following options are specified for a file link width height align pluginspage pluginurl hidden href target autostart loop volume controls controller mastersound starttime endtime Example: [[file:Birds.mp3|Birds|-height 20 -autostart false]] * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/wymiframe.html: * www/resources/wymeditor/jquery.wymeditor.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/jquery.wymeditor.pack.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/plugins/hovertools/jquery.wymeditor.hovertools.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/plugins/tidy/jquery.wymeditor.tidy.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/xhtml_parser.js: update recent changes in wymeditor 2007/07/26 gustafn * catalog/xowiki.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xowiki.es_ES.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/package-procs.tcl: exporting message keys, setting permissions in policy1 for list to "package_id read" to make demo easier work * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * www/admin/test.tcl: remove unneeded proc * www/default-pages/index.page: * www/default-pages/weblog.page: removing obsolete files * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: using newer SQL interface * catalog/xowiki.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: validator for rich text entry fields in forms, don't barf on processing e.g. acs-lang.localization-abmon in trn-mode 2007/07/25 gustafn * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: cleanup and some small fixes (e.g. undefined name in edit-new) * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/syndicate-procs.tcl: * tcl/weblog-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/prototypes/announcements.page: * www/prototypes/bib.page: * www/prototypes/weblog-portlet.page: localizing months, add "-entries_of" to RSS, beautifying some output, i fix new-page-link for FormPages, allowing add-new item in general in book view, changing parameter name "instances_of" to "entries of" in weblog-portlet.page, bib.page, announcements.page 2007/07/24 gustafn * catalog/xowiki.de_DE.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: Use customizable table widget for showing form entries (link can be configured from form_constraints via @table) using @ for special values in form_constraints (@categories, @cr_fields, @fields, @table) * tcl/weblog-procs.tcl: * www/prototypes/weblog-portlet.page: allow detail_link in summary mode as well * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/notification-procs.tcl: * tcl/syndicate-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-sc-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/prototypes/weblog-portlet.page: * xowiki.info: bump version number for registering service contract for FormPage, new form file types url and detail link, detail_links for weblog 2007/07/23 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: exclude items under production from form-usage count and listing, remove ::xowiki::FormInstance 2007/07/23 daveb * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: Make name optional when autoname is enabled so you can create a new page. 2007/07/22 gustafn * catalog/xowiki.de_DE.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xowiki.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/error-template.adp: * xowiki.info: bump version, improved message catalogs, don't allow to delete Form when entries use it. * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: for for form-menu includelet 2007/07/19 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: more modular edit-buttons for book mode (part 1) * catalog/xowiki.de_DE.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xowiki.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xowiki.es_ES.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/adp-generator-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/oacs-view.adp: * www/oacs-view2.adp: * www/oacs-view3.adp: * www/view-default.adp: * www/view-links.adp: * www/view-page.adp: * www/view-plain.adp: * xowiki.info: new includelets for e.g. book mode: create-item-button, edit-item-button, delete-item-button * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: validator for page_order 2007/07/18 gustafn * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: fixing CSS class of submit button for wym * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: fixing old-style PageTemplate and PageInstances when widget_specs from the folder_object are used * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: make sure to refresh views on next version bump, deactivate form id generation (not needed right now), move methods callable via URLs to www-procs * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: program around a bug in tdom (dom parse -html, see tdom mailing list) * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/weblog-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: renaming FormInstance to FormPage, deleting obsolete code, some refactoring * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/resources/xowiki.css: * www/resources/zen-forms-backward-compatibility.css: some CSS improvements: - less invasive, when xowiki pages are included (e.g. via the dotlrn xowiki portlet) - forward compatible CSS file for forms for OpenACS versions prior to 5.3.1 - some CSS improvements 2007/07/17 gustafn * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: allow to specify inline rendering for form fields in input mode. * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: call both, form field specific validators and object specific validators, if available * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: cross package includes of wiki pages * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: let users force the language in cross package includes by using a language prefix * catalog/xowiki.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: submit button class, more internalization 2007/07/16 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: force input of names for named xowiki entries (don't use numbers as default values) * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: numeric form fields, resetting parameters after re-classing, form field specific validators 2007/07/15 gustafn * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/wymiframe.html~: removed escaped editor backup file * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: some refactoring, validation of form constraints * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: support for wymeditor in xowiki (within FormFields) * catalog/xowiki.de_DE.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xowiki.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xowiki.es_ES.ISO-8859-1.xml: updated message catalog files * www/resources/wymeditor/GPL-license.txt: * www/resources/wymeditor/MIT-license.txt: * www/resources/wymeditor/README: * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/lbl-blockquote.png: * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/lbl-h1.png: * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/lbl-h2.png: * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/lbl-h3.png: * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/lbl-h4.png: * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/lbl-h5.png: * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/lbl-h6.png: * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/lbl-p.png: * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/lbl-pre.png: * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/wymiframe.css: * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/wymiframe.html: * www/resources/wymeditor/iframe/default/wymiframe.html~: * www/resources/wymeditor/jquery.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/jquery.wymeditor.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/jquery.wymeditor.pack.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/lang/ca.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/lang/de.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/lang/en.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/lang/es.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/lang/fr.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/lang/hu.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/lang/it.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/lang/nl.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/lang/pl.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/lang/sv.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/plugins/hovertools/jquery.wymeditor.hovertools.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/plugins/tidy/README: * www/resources/wymeditor/plugins/tidy/jquery.wymeditor.tidy.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/plugins/tidy/tidy.php: * www/resources/wymeditor/plugins/tidy/wand.png: * www/resources/wymeditor/skins/default/icons.png: * www/resources/wymeditor/skins/default/screen.css: * www/resources/wymeditor/wym_css_parser.js: * www/resources/wymeditor/xhtml_parser.js: wymeditor http://www.wymeditor.org/ 2007/07/14 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * xowiki.info: More complete set of FormField classes including composite fields, better mix of HTML forms with auto-generated form components * www/admin/test.tcl: added test for appropriate tdom version (at least 0.8.0) * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: cleaner uninstall, without explicit enumeration of types * tcl/package-procs.tcl: fix typo in acs-object-type * www/prototypes/sitemap.xml.page: * www/prototypes/sitemapindex.xml.page: prototype pages for Google sitemap and Google sitemap index (Google seems to have problems with query parameters to retrieve these XML files) 2007/07/13 gustafn * tcl/package-procs.tcl: added XSD definitions to make a standalone validator able to validate google-sitemap XML file * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: better default handling for connection dependent form values (e.g. creator, locale), handling of _text entries in FormInstances * tcl/package-procs.tcl: fix for google-sitemapindex 2007/07/12 gustafn * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: first approach for compound form fields, minimal date support * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: more complete set of format modifiers * tcl/package-procs.tcl: provide an error message for undefined methods * tcl/link-procs.tcl: support target option in anchors 2007/07/11 gustafn * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/link-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: completing form fields, rich-text and inform asHTML rendering, help text, better internationalization, rendering of item fields in the locale of the entry * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: improve blending of HTML-fields and template variables * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: quick fixes for today's changes * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: render forms with @-variables with disabled fields 2007/07/10 gustafn * tcl/link-procs.tcl: * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: fix resolver and IDs for flash links/includes * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: refactor form field generation 2007/07/09 gustafn * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: added experimental scale widget * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: fixing regsub-eval (handling double quotes in substitution variables \1 ... in regsub), building forms in ::xowiki::FormInstances always the same way, handling radio buttons 2007/07/07 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: avoid name clashes between HTML form variables and instance attributes * tcl/notification-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-sc-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/prototypes/categories-portlet.page: make xowiki less verbose in error log file 2007/07/06 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: disable all 4.01 defined form fields in HTML forms when viewing * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: disable input fields in HTML form view mode * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: fix quoting for js in toc includelet * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: fix table of contents for unnamed entries (without language prefix) 2007/07/05 gustafn * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: providing auto fields for description and nls_language in HTML forms 2007/07/04 gustafn * tcl/syndicate-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: allow categories to be turned off via form constraints * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: provide compatibility for xotcl-1.4.0 2007/07/03 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: allow page_order to be passed in via query-parameter as default value for the form, when a page is newly created or edited * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: handling and validation of multivalued selects for categories in HTML-forms 2007/07/02 gustafn * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: category support for HTML forms 2007/07/01 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: allow page instances to be created in the old-fashioned way; don't show subtypes in selection box for form when creating a page instance 2007/06/29 gustafn * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: set needed content types in require_folder, not on every save_new * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: validation errors for HTML-forms, some code refactoring 2007/06/28 gustafn * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: added validation to HTML forms, first version 2007/06/27 gustafn * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: make handling of show_page_order more regular, adding page_orders into HTML-forms 2007/06/26 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: Create a separate context for included pages to avoid loop, when revisions are rendered. Revisions are specified via query_parameter revision_id, which has higher precedence than then name. When the resolver tries to resolve the name of a page to be included, it took the revision_id if the including page. This led to a recursive rendering. * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: define different types of form fields as different classes, support for rich-text * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: don't assume, all options of the rich-text widget are specified * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: handling recursive inclusions in a more generic way * catalog/xowiki.de_DE.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xowiki.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xowiki.es_ES.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * xowiki.info: upgrade to 0.54: FormField classes, more internationalization, recursive inclusion bug fixed 2007/06/25 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: some cleanup * catalog/xowiki.de_DE.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xowiki.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * catalog/xowiki.es_ES.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/form-field-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/admin/list.tcl: * www/admin/test.tcl: * www/oacs-view.adp: * www/oacs-view2.adp: * www/oacs-view3.adp: * www/portlets/categories-recent.tcl: * www/portlets/categories.tcl: * www/portlets/last-visited.tcl: * www/portlets/most-popular.tcl: * www/portlets/recent.tcl: * www/portlets/rss-button.adp: * www/portlets/rss-button.tcl: * www/portlets/tags.tcl: * www/portlets/weblog.adp: * www/portlets/wiki.tcl: * www/view-default.adp: * www/view-links.adp: * www/view-plain.adp: * xowiki.info: update to 0.53, internationalization, using form-fields where appropriate, slot changes 2007/06/22 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/admin/list.tcl: changing ImageField into ImageAnchorField, initial support for form-constraints in HTML forms 2007/06/21 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: support for anonymous form instances, when no HTML form is specified. extending form constraints with hidden and inform. 2007/06/19 gustafn * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * www/admin/index.tcl: provide context objects to get privilege and privilege guards (conditions) to enable make_link to make checks on query parameter without the need to access ::xo::cc * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: support for one-step creation of named FormInstances, when only page template is given (like in the case, where form is specified) 2007/06/18 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: provide support for named and unnamed form instances, when forms are provided 2007/06/17 gustafn * catalog/xowiki.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: extending message catalog and forms for anonymous_instances * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: fix for multivalued form entries 2007/06/15 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * www/oacs-view.adp: * www/oacs-view2.adp: * www/oacs-view3.adp: * www/view-default.adp: * www/view-links.adp: * www/view-plain.adp: don't trigger errors from includelet categories, when ltree is not installed * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: fixing includelet parsing once more * catalog/xowiki.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml: * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: improved naming and documentation, some more internationalization * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: made naming for methods called via URLs more consistent 2007/06/12 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: added new includelet "unread-items", which is moderately useful * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: fix validator for podcast items * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: slight improvement of "unread-items" includelet, includes now unread revisions as well 2007/06/11 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * www/prototypes/contributors.page: improve portability * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: improving localization support * catalog/xowiki.es_ES.ISO-8859-1.xml: new Spanish catalog files (many thanks to David Arroyo) 2007/06/08 gustafn * tcl/weblog-procs.tcl: make weblog lass chatty * tcl/notification-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/admin/set-publish-state.tcl: * www/oacs-view.adp: * www/oacs-view2.adp: * www/oacs-view3.adp: * www/view-default.adp: * www/view-links.adp: * www/view-plain.adp: * www/xinha/file-selector.tcl: using ::xo::db::sql instead of ::xo::db, use optionally form field definitions from the defined attributes 2007/06/06 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: change incorrect name of map function, fix for http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=546200 * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: ltree does not like spaces in keys. trim keys before inserting it into the database. 2007/06/05 gustafn * tcl/package-procs.tcl: changed import of page instances to update references to page templates on updating imports as well. Last version handled only initial imports. * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: fixing name validator, which should never return "" 2007/06/04 gustafn * www/admin/list.tcl: adding bulk-action for export * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: auto-naming of anonymous (unnamed) entries during export to avoid potential name clashes on target systems * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: don't double-validate names when they are not changed (can lead to prefix adding) * www/admin/export.tcl: handling export of selected objects, include always object required for the selection to avoid surprises 2007/06/01 gustafn * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: commenting a method, fixing a function for PageInstances 2007/05/31 maltes * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: Added setting the default language correctly when adding a new page 2007/05/29 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: fixing incorrect parenthesis 2007/05/25 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: changed regular expression for closing double parenthesis into double-parenthesis followed by white space * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: changing regexp once more * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * www/admin/test.tcl: cleanup continues * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: fix for http://www.openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=1014831 * www/portlets/weblog-mini-calendar.tcl: fixing potential name clash * tcl/weblog-procs.tcl: * www/admin/test.tcl: * www/portlets/weblog-mini-calendar.tcl: improving date comparisons, replacing site_node::get_root_id for older installations * tcl/weblog-procs.tcl: * www/admin/index.tcl: * www/admin/list.tcl: some more cleanup after restructuring 2007/05/23 gustafn * tcl/weblog-procs.tcl: provide default value for optional flag 2007/05/19 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: further use of SQL abstraction layer 2007/05/18 gustafn * tcl/weblog-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/prototypes/bib.page: * www/prototypes/weblog-portlet.page: extend weblog to be able to handle page and form instances, make it possible to specify form and/or template in a xowiki::Form, first draft of form constraints and form fields * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: file omitted in previous commit * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: improved handling of instance attributes * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: improving import of anonymous entries 2007/05/15 gustafn * tcl/weblog-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * www/admin/list.tcl: adjusting to the changes in xotcl-core * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: fixing wrong call (typo) 2007/05/14 gustafn * tcl/category-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: allow to specify sort order for items in categories includelet * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * www/oacs-view.adp: * www/oacs-view2.adp: * www/oacs-view3.adp: * www/view-default.adp: * www/view-links.adp: * www/view-plain.adp: generalizing a few includelets with ::xo::db::sql (interface might change in the future) * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: make asc for item sort order default 2007/05/11 gustafn * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: preliminary support for composite form objects * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: some minor beautifications 2007/05/10 gustafn * tcl/link-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: adding title for external links * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: new includelet selection * tcl/link-procs.tcl: provide title attribute for links * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: some cleanup for page instances and form instances 2007/05/09 gustafn * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/resources/xowiki.css: added forms and FormInstances as experimental types - these might disappear in the future.... * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: make upgrade more robust for xowiki versions more than a year old * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: some minimal cleanup (removing unneeded instvars) 2007/05/05 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: get duration for podcast items via ffmpeg, if installed * tcl/syndicate-procs.tcl: sort podcast item by publication date 2007/05/02 gustafn * tcl/link-procs.tcl: * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/oacs-view.adp: * www/oacs-view2.adp: * www/oacs-view3.adp: * www/view-default.adp: * www/view-links.adp: * www/view-plain.adp: * xowiki.info: upgrade to version 0.52, more includelets, ability to make derived special purpose packages 2007/04/23 gustafn * tcl/adp-generator-procs.tcl: * www/oacs-view.adp: * www/oacs-view2.adp: * www/oacs-view3.adp: * www/view-default.adp: * www/view-links.adp: * www/view-plain.adp: fix for non-closed property tag (introduced yesterday) which has horrible consequences in ADP parsing 2007/04/22 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-sc-procs.tcl: catch dependency on txt in cases, search is not installed * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: fix Tcl's clock scan problem by avoiding timestamps without localized strings. * tcl/adp-generator-procs.tcl: * www/oacs-view.adp: * www/oacs-view2.adp: * www/oacs-view3.adp: * www/view-default.adp: * www/view-links.adp: * www/view-plain.adp: fixes for changed header_stuff in OpenACS 5.3.1. new version works with old and new property names 2007/04/17 gustafn * www/admin/set-publish-state.tcl: * www/xinha/file-selector.tcl: migration fixes for new interface (as provided by neophytos) * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * www/prototypes/CGI2.page: * www/prototypes/CGI3.page: provide easier means to initialize included content in ::xowiki::Objects 2007/04/16 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/admin/set-publish-state.tcl: * www/oacs-view.adp: * www/oacs-view2.adp: * www/oacs-view3.adp: * www/view-default.adp: * www/view-links.adp: * www/view-plain.adp: * www/xinha/file-selector.tcl: * xowiki.info: switch to version 2 of oo interface to stored procedures 2007/04/11 gustafn * tcl/package-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-callback-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-sc-procs.tcl: * tcl/xowiki-www-procs.tcl: * www/admin/set-publish-state.tcl: * www/oacs-view.adp: * www/oacs-view2.adp: * www/oacs-view3.adp: * www/view-default.adp: * www/view-links.adp: * www/view-plain.adp: * www/xinha/file-selector.tcl: * xowiki.info: upgrading to version 0.51, using new stored procedures interface from xotcl-core, be more silent on db-operation in error log 2007/04/07 gustafn * www/admin/test.tcl: fixing error in regression test, where parameters are passed incorrectly 2007/04/06 gustafn * www/admin/test.tcl: make regression test up to date * www/admin/regression_test.tcl: removed obsolete files 2007/04/03 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: provide minimal zen support: use the new style CSS classes for lists in new versions, use the different portlet classes 2007/03/30 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: add interval to most popular * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: add number of different users to most-popular includelet * www/view-book.tcl: added some output to identify agustin's bug. * www/view-book.tcl: don't barf on books without pages * tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl: provide a usage message for page names * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: use "Visits" instead of "Count" for a more clear label in most-popular 2007/03/28 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: more fixes for handling anonymous users 2007/03/27 gustafn * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: added includelet for showing available includelets * tcl/xowiki-portlet-procs.tcl: fixing test for anonymous users 545 changes by 3 authors in 97 files daveb 1 files gustafn 541 files maltes 3 files